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National Biscuit Day

May 29, 2020

As if celebrating buttermilk biscuits 15 days ago wasn't enough, we're apparently back with a lesser sequel no one wants. Thanks be to the food holiday gods for creating such a wack calendar. It makes literally no sense.

National Mint Julep Day

May 30, 2020

Young women are in no shortage of role models, but the one that they prefer the most is Mint Julep. It helps inspire them to do the things they lacked courage to complete (prior to pounding back a couple). Learn how MJ helps them.

National Macaroon Day

May 31, 2020

These amazing treats feel like they're from another planet. The colors. The textures. The flavors. Well the flavor is sugar and egg and nuts, which are probably the ingredients. But still, it's very mysterious. Like how do they work?

National Hazelnut Cake Day

Jun 1, 2020

Cakes continue to impress with their wide range of flavors and ingredients. A hazelnut cake sounds delightful, and moments ago we didn't even know it existed. Also not sure on the shape of a hazelnut, but the flavor in coffee rules.

National Rotisserie Chicken Day

Jun 2, 2020

On this day we honor a great way to prepare a bird, and we ain't talking about getting ready for a porno. We're talking about rotating a chicken in a hot box, aka rotisserie chicken. Also we honor the bravery of a special restaurant.

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