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National Jelly-Filled Doughnut Day

Jun 8, 2020

There is no group that loves a jelly-filled doughnut more than cops. They care about these things way more than they value human life. You ever see a cop push a doughnut onto the ground? That's right. It never happened.

National Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie Day

Jun 9, 2020

A classic pie with a mysterious ingredient. What exactly is rhubarb? Is it a fruit or a fungus? Does it have a

National Iced Tea Day

Jun 10, 2020

Grab a gun and a glass of iced tea. It's time to enjoy why we are free. It's America! Butt cheeks in the air. It's time to celebrate why we are here. We shoot our guns, and we drink iced tea. That's freedom to me (and no one else).

National German Chocolate Cake Day

Jun 11, 2020

We all know chocolate cake is delicious, and lucky for us the Germans made a really good version of it. Back in the day, people got distracted with superstitions related to cake. The Germans dodged that bullet by focusing on taste.

International Falafel Day

Jun 12, 2020

Chickpeas dominating the game. Falafel, hummus, other vegan options. Also the fact that falafel can be served with hummus is pretty wild. That's some serious chickpea on chickpea action. Sounds like a porno category.

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