Food Holidays

There's a new food holiday every day, and we have something to say about each of them.

Celebrate Nutella Day

Feb 05

This is one of those treats that really sends you over the edge. Known for its orgasmic qualities, Nutella can make most women slide right out of their chairs. Once you learn the etymology, it's not hard to realize why it's so sexy.

Celebrate Homemade Soup Day

Feb 04

The easiest thing you can make at home. You actually don't even need to be at home to make it. If your home burns down, boom! You got a fire to help boil the soup to completion. Learn how everyone makes homemade soup.

Celebrate Carrot Cake Day

Feb 03

This dessert tastes so good because of murder. Carrots are known for their outlaw lifestyles, so killing and eating them really amps up the flavor. Enjoy every bite of carrot cake, because that gang of carrots deserved to die.

Celebrate Tater Tot Day

Feb 02

Easily one of the greatest side dishes of all time, tots offer fresh break from French fries. Let's face it, they are just better than French Fries. Why would you not want the potato equivalent to veal?

Celebrate Dark Chocolate Day

Feb 01

This is the sexiest of all the chocolates. It gets all the sex organs leaking, and with one bite they start gushing. It's just a fact. Scientists would test it, but Christian colleges have blocked the research. But we know the truth.

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