Food Holidays

There's a new food holiday every day, and we have something to say about each of them.

Celebrate Chicken Wing Day

Jul 29

Rip the arms off a bird and start chomping, because that's what today is all about. Does that bird need to fly? You don't care, as long as you got the happy hour price. Actually the world melts away. You hear nothing while eating.

Celebrate Milk Chocolate Day

Jul 28

Nobody is going to say that chocolate is bad, unless they love to fight with people. Now the question is do you inject the milk, or keep it pure coco. Some people are purists, but today is all about the white cream in chocolate.

Celebrate Scotch Day

Jul 27

This hard liquor transforms people; makes them believe all kinds of silliness and lose touch on reality. If you're wearing a suit and drinking scotch, you feel amazing. It doesn't matter that you lost your job, you feel great.

Celebrate Coffee Milkshake Day

Jul 26

This is one of the greediest drinks you could ever have. A milkshake is already dairy juiced up with sugar, like a body builder cutting corners by sticking needles in his heinie. Add coffee to the mix and it's game over.

Celebrate Hot Fudge Sundae Day

Jul 25

Beta males just don't even know. Too intimidated by the raw power that hot fudge sundaes radiate. You actually need to be wearing sunscreen to consume one, if you're fair skinned. HFS takes no prisoners, because it doesn't have a jail.

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