Food Holidays

There's a new food holiday every day, and we have something to say about each of them.

Celebrate Tequila Day

Jul 24

We poppin' bottles. Look out. Oh snap, we're poppin' tequila. That's because we lost something deep to our heart, and this is the hard liquor for dealing with pain. No liquor will hit you harder, plus it's cheaper than therapy.

Celebrate Vanilla Ice Cream Day

Jul 23

It's the OG ice cream that makes us scream. Rhymes flowing through my veins, because vanilla ice cream is taking the reigns. Hell yeah! Vanilla ice cream is the best. Other flavors are cool, but they don't pair with stuff like VIC.

Celebrate Penuche Day

Jul 22

Do you like fudge? Cool. Yeah it's pretty good. We were just checking, because you know there are some people that are haters on it. Especially penuche, since most people just don't even know about it (unless they got a smart phone).

Celebrate Junk Food Day

Jul 21

You could eat healthy, but that's whatever. Yes it's good for you and what you should do, but sometimes you just need to be bad. Sometimes you got to listen to that devil on your shoulder and have a candy bar.

Celebrate Ice Cream Sundae Day

Jul 20

Ice cream is good, but we can do better. Alright, ice cream is great. But we strive for excellence here in the FuBeLa Nationa, so we're going to add a bunch of stuff to our ice cream and make it better. Join us in this noble pursuit.

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