Food Holidays

There's a new food holiday every day, and we have something to say about each of them.

Celebrate Enchilada Day

May 05

It's a tasty food with a brilliant name. Enchilada. Say it. Seriously, stop reading this sentence and start saying "enchilada". Did you do it? Good. You are now ready to appreciate its beauty. Saying is believing.

Celebrate Hoagie Day

May 04

It's party time of the sandwich variety. This jawn is so good it will make you do all kinds of crazy things. Grand theft auto, murder an innocent person, tell your best bud you like his butt, etc. etc. You'll do anything for a hoagie.

Celebrate Raspberry Tart Day

May 03

It's a pastry that's got berries and great taste. Not much else to report. Lots of robots try to push this sweet treat on baes, in hopes that they'll see them as human finally. It never works, but the fail videos are choice.

Celebrate Chocolate Truffle Day

May 02

Delicious is synonymous with this sweet treat. What most people can't figure out is the name. Why is a chocolate truffle called a "truffle"? It's not a mushroom. Could you ask someone else for the answer? Yeah, but it won't be fun.

Celebrate Chocolate Parfait Day

May 01

When kids eat lunch together in school, things happen. One of those things is when the children decide to take the scraps from their lunches, and shove them together in a big cup. Yes it's gross, but it's technically a parfait.

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