Food Holidays

There's a new food holiday every day, and we have something to say about each of them.

Celebrate Ice Cream Cone Day

Sep 22

Ice cream in a cup is cool and all, but you really ought to order yourself a cone. That's how ice cream is really intended. Mimes ain't out here pretending to have ice cream in a cup. Plus it allows for more intimate eating.

Celebrate Pecan Cookie Day

Sep 21

Probably until you read the above title, you weren't even aware that pecan cookies were a thing. They are indeed something people consume with great joy. Kids love them. Best of luck to those youths getting them though.

Celebrate Punch Day

Sep 20

Don't hit anyone, unless they want to be punched. Then throw bows as hard as you want. But that's not what today is all about. We're celebrating the party drink (fruit) punch. That mystery drink people were brave enough to consume.

Celebrate Butterscotch Pudding Day

Sep 19

It's a fantastic treat. Velvety. Rich. Creamy. But what's the story? Where did it come from? Give us some facts. Please help us. We really can't find any real info on butterscotch pudding. It sounds like it's from aliens at this point.

Celebrate Cheeseburger Day

Sep 18

It's burger time ... again? Yes. It was Double Cheeseburger Day like four days ago. Even worse was three weeks ago we did National Burger Day. Why are the burgers bunched up? Probably a cow binge from the food holiday creator.

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