Food Holidays

There's a new food holiday every day, and we have something to say about each of them.

Celebrate Beer Lover's Day

Sep 07

Do you love beer? Too bad, because today isn't about you. Unless you are the one true beer lover, then sit down. This holiday does not include us all, so pay some respects to the one and only beer lover that gets their own holiday.

Celebrate Coffee Ice Cream Day

Sep 06

It's time to take it up a notch. Ice Cream is great. Gets you high with sugar. Coffee is amaze. Keeps you alive with stimulants. Put them together and you have a pretty unstoppable force. You may never feel normal again.

Celebrate Cheese Pizza Day

Sep 05

The original pizza has its time to shine. Those toppings better not creep up on our pie. We want it to stay within the essence of the dish. And we will respect the hours of the day in which it's cool to eat pizza.

Celebrate Macadamia Nut Day

Sep 04

You could go with some basic peanuts, but if you got the dollars you might as well enjoy life. Rage out with the most expensive nut known to man: macadamia nut. Does the taste live up to the hype? No clue. We're poor.

Celebrate Baby Back Ribs Day

Sep 03

It's a body part that doesn't scream delicious. Everyone knows the booty is tasty on all fronts, but chests are apparently quite scrumptious as well. Add some barbecue sauce and you're in business. That's the way to eat flesh.

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