Food Holidays

There's a new food holiday every day, and we have something to say about each of them.

Celebrate Frappe Day

Oct 07

Chug that iced coffee. Confused? So are we. Apparently frappe is Greek iced coffee, which is the same as just regular iced coffee. So why isn't today called "Iced Coffee Day"? We can't answer that. We do what the creator says.

Celebrate Noodle Day

Oct 06

We should take some time to thank our brains for all the things it does. But first, let's enjoy a more important noodle: the noodle we devour. I guess if your a cannibal that's confusing. But hopefully that population is small.

Celebrate Apple Betty Day

Oct 05

Are you looking for something like apple pie? And when you mean "something like", you really just want exactly apple pie? Well, too bad, because we don't have any. But we do have Apple Betty. It's the same thing, so you're good.

Celebrate Taco Day

Oct 04

Yesterday we celebrated soft tacos. Now it's time to celebrate just tacos. You might thing that today is all about hard shell tacos, but you would be mistaken. We did that back in March. Does any of this make sense? No, definitely not.

Celebrate Soft Taco Day

Oct 03

You don't want a hard shell taco. Life is hard enough. So limp, and be a softy. You like Mr. Softy, right? There you go. Keep your tacos hanging like when you lift the arm of a dead body. That's when you know the taco is good.

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