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National Hoagie Day
May 4, 2020It's party time of the sandwich variety. This jawn is so good it will make you do all kinds of crazy things. Grand theft auto, murder an innocent person, tell your best bud you like his butt, etc. etc. You'll do anything for a hoagie.
National Enchilada Day
May 5, 2020It's a tasty food with a brilliant name. Enchilada. Say it. Seriously, stop reading this sentence and start saying "enchilada". Did you do it? Good. You are now ready to appreciate its beauty. Saying is believing.
National Crepe Suzette Day
May 6, 2020Crepes are so thin, they are about to disappear from reality. They only thing holding them back is the people. Yes, you .. well not exactly you, but humans who like to eat crepes. They care, and keep crepes existing in our plane.
National Roast Leg of Lamb Day
May 7, 2020Stick a bone in it, assuming you care about the origin of your food. If you like nice shapes and hate mystery, then keep eating chicken nuggets without Googling them. If you like to stay connected to nature, eat a bone-in lamb leg.
National Coconut Cream Pie
May 8, 2020This dessert is the epitome of greedy, creepy dudes. It's flavor matches the profile of a guy that likes to finish inside. Yes there are dudes that find that incredibly hot, but they don't think about the consequences (i.e. the baby).