Brian Durkin

Brian Durkin is the founder of Full Belly Laughs. This site is his vision and an amalgam of his favorite things: food and games. Enjoy all of the content authored by him. It ranges from podcasts, videos, inforgraphics, and blog posts.

National “Eat Your Noodles” Day

Mar 11, 2020

Noodles are a great food; no one is debating that. What's up for debate is how often to eat them. The jury is out, but we are here to settle this issue. The solution is simple: eat your noodles now and immediately.

Best Canned Food

Mar 10, 2020

Tomatoes, pineapples, soups, and sandwiches. What do they all have in common? You can purchase them in cans. Which one do you go with? Chicken and Stars Soup or a Honey BBQ Chicken Sandwich in a can? We discuss on this episode.

National Ranch Dressing Day

Mar 10, 2020

Vegetables are so gross. It's incredible that doctors want you to eat them; it's like doctors don't even care about you. Lucky for us there's ranch dressing. Dunk vegetables in ranch, and you'll be able to keep those greens down.

National Meatball Day

Mar 9, 2020

Everyone knows that meatballs taste great. What's overlooked is the fact that meatballs suck at being balls. You can't bounce them. You can't play baseball with them. Why are meatballs even balls? We find out why.

National Peanut Cluster Day

Mar 8, 2020

When peanuts cluster together like an asteroid forming, there are two outcomes: a great candy or a gnarly poop. There is no in between, but at least both outcomes remind you of Babe Ruth. You end up with the candy or the turd.

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