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National Lager Day
Dec 10, 2020Lager is for the boys (and girls!). It's a drink you chug after you bang the glasses together. It's a drink you enjoy with the squad. But don't you dare think for a second that baes will want in on the lager situation.
National Have a Bagel Day
Dec 11, 2020Celebrating the existence of bagels isn't good enough today. You need to actually cherish the act of consuming a bagel. This will come easy to you, if you came from a good family. Bad parents don't teach proper bagel values.
National Cocoa Day
Dec 12, 2020We've done a lot to celebrate chocolate. So many days are dedicated to variations on chocolate, or desserts that have chocolate. It's time we shouted out the mom, aka Theobroma cacao, aka the cocoa bean. It's pretty cool.
National Popcorn String Day
Dec 13, 2020Most people enjoy popcorn, but it does come with its faults. Sometimes we eat it alone in the dark all sad. Other times we spill it all over ourselves at the movie theater. If only there was a way to contain this beast. Eureka!
National Biscuits and Gravy Day
Dec 14, 2020Keep your cookies, you wankers, because we want that American biscuits and gravy. No way you can dunk some chocolate chip into this white chunky goo. That's reserved for high, quality muffins only. Southerners know what's up.