There were 730 results for your search.
National Lemon Cupcake Day
Dec 15, 2020Light, playful, delicious, and all round good people. That's how we would describe the irresistible lemon cupcake. It's no surprise that lemon cupcakes always wear a good helping of icing. Everyone trying to pipe on them.
National Chocolate Covered Anything Day
Dec 16, 2020We're tired of doing food holidays. Correction: Brian Durkin - the person that makes all this stuff (that's me) - is tired of doing food holidays, especially ones centered around chocolate. You think the 341st holiday would be cool.
National Maple Syrup Day
Dec 17, 2020Pretty much every human on the planet Earth has consumed maple syrup. We have a nice tradition in America were you force our young to become dependent on sugar. This is accomplished with pancakes accompanied by maple syrup.
National I Love Honey Day
Dec 18, 2020You enjoy honey, right? Who doesn't? Even some vegans cheat and have a nimble or two of the tasty nectar. Pretty wild how this stuff comes from bugs. Isn't it like their butt wax or something? Wish our butt wax was scrumptious.
National Hard Candy Day
Dec 19, 2020This feels like an occasion to celebrate the geezers in our lives, but that's a short-sided view of Hard Candy Day. We all like to suck and lick sugar. Heck there's a lot of things worthy of our tongue doing things to it.