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National Hot Cross Bun Day

Sep 11, 2020

The best way to pay your respects to God is through treat that balances spicy and sweet. Also it has to have a cross carved into it, otherwise how we will we know that it's an official God treat? This is why hot cross buns rule.

National Chocolate Milkshake Day

Sep 12, 2020

One of the greatest drinks of all time is surrounded in controversy: countless vanilla milkshakes have transitioned to chocolate via the chocolate syrup method. Do these vanillas truly want to be chocolate or is it just a trend?

National Peanut Day

Sep 13, 2020

It's an S Tier Legume for sure; nothing comes close to the peanut in the legume class. The only thing holding it back is the nerds who keep it out of the sky. The nerds claim they'll die from allergies or whatever. Sadge.

National Cream-Filled Doughnut Day

Sep 14, 2020

Some people like to eat empty calories, so they eat doughnuts with holes. People who want the real deal don't skim. They drink whole milk. They wait in line. They eat cream-filled doughnuts. The more cream the better.

National Double Cheeseburger Day

Sep 15, 2020

What's better than a cheeseburger? Well ... lot's of things actually. The birth of your child. Climaxing with your soulmate. But some would debate those claims. One they can't refute: a double cheeseburger is better than just a single.

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