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National Pecan Cookie Day

Sep 21, 2020

Probably until you read the above title, you weren't even aware that pecan cookies were a thing. They are indeed something people consume with great joy. Kids love them. Best of luck to those youths getting them though.

National Ice Cream Cone Day

Sep 22, 2020

Ice cream in a cup is cool and all, but you really ought to order yourself a cone. That's how ice cream is really intended. Mimes ain't out here pretending to have ice cream in a cup. Plus it allows for more intimate eating.

National White Chocolate Day

Sep 23, 2020

Do you like all chocolates? Good. If you only liked white chocolates, that would be weird and racist. You hate white chocolate. That's somehow not racist. We don't make the rules, but they are confusing and we don't understand.

National Cherries Jubilee Day

Sep 24, 2020

You like cherries. You love dessert. But how do you feel about fire? Keeps you warm, and makes food taste good. So why not add it to your desserts? May we present to you, Cherries Jubilee, a fire/cherry/ice cream combo.

National Food Service Workers Day

Sep 25, 2020

Wait staff around the country bust their booties to bring slobs their meals and drinks. Unfortunately it is one of the few times in an average person's life that they can pretend to be a king, and they take advantage big time.

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