National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day
Apr 2, 2020Moms make these sandwiches for kids. Baristas make them for taller children. It's PB&J sandwiches. Honestly one of the most human foods on the planet. You take something ugly like a berry, smash it, and now it's beautiful.
National Sourdough Bread Day
Apr 1, 2020Are you interested in getting a taste of the greatest bread known to man? Look no further, because sourdough is what you seek. It comes to us from a strange organism known as a culture. Many describe it as the land octopus. Learn why.
What's In Your Fridge?
Mar 31, 2020Everyone has that one item they just can't live without, and that item is always stocked in their refrigerator. Is it ketchup? Hot sauce? Maybe pickles? Find out what the listeners believe is the essential item(s) to have stocked.
National Oysters on the Half Shell Day
Mar 31, 2020This sea creature is one of the most powerful beings on the planet. It's basically a turtle. They both were born in ooze under New York City and fight crime, so it is easy to mix up the two. Discover their other similarities.
National Hot Chicken Day
Mar 30, 2020You can put with biscuits. Put it on waffles. Put on collard greens. When chicken is hot, you can chicken anytime! That's the magic of Nashville hot chicken; it makes a breakfast food like waffles an anytime food.