Brian Durkin

Brian Durkin is the founder of Full Belly Laughs. This site is his vision and an amalgam of his favorite things: food and games. Enjoy all of the content authored by him. It ranges from podcasts, videos, inforgraphics, and blog posts.

National Iced Tea Day

Jun 10, 2020

Grab a gun and a glass of iced tea. It's time to enjoy why we are free. It's America! Butt cheeks in the air. It's time to celebrate why we are here. We shoot our guns, and we drink iced tea. That's freedom to me (and no one else).

Breakfast vs Lunch vs Dinner

Jun 9, 2020

The three most popular meals of the day face off on this culinary debate. We ask our fans which meal they like best and why: breakfast vs lunch vs dinner. Discover which one came out on top and what people value the most in a meal.

National Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie Day

Jun 9, 2020

A classic pie with a mysterious ingredient. What exactly is rhubarb? Is it a fruit or a fungus? Does it have a

National Jelly-Filled Doughnut Day

Jun 8, 2020

There is no group that loves a jelly-filled doughnut more than cops. They care about these things way more than they value human life. You ever see a cop push a doughnut onto the ground? That's right. It never happened.

National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

Jun 7, 2020

Ice cream is fantastic. Chocolate is the holy water passed down from Mount Olympia. Together it's a duo most mortals can't handle. Many consume it with unfiltered passion, and reveal their true selves during the process.

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