Our Favorite Meal of the Day
The three most popular meals of the day are breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Which one do you like best and why? That's what we asked our fan on social media, and they did not disappoint with their answers. Comedian Brian Durkin highlights some of the best responses while providing his own commentary on the topic. This episode also includes coverage of a cognitive bias, shout outs, and a round of the Who Dat? Web Game.
The Best Meal Of The Day Is Breakfast
Most of our voters believed breakfast was better than lunch or dinner. Even our voters that didn't eat breakfast thought their first meal was the best one (lunch or dinner depending on how long they fasted). Finally some people voted for breakfast just because those types of food reign supreme. The fact that having breakfast for dinner is a viable option demonstrates the true power of breakfast (as a meal and as a food group).
Who Dat? Game
This episode featured another round of our new web game. If you were listening along to the podcast, Brian's character was Raul. If you would like to play with friends an family, play for free here.
Podcast Show Notes: Links and References
The #FBLRecommendation this week is BarBend. Check out their video about Common Push-Up Mistakes.
Did you enjoy our coverage of the Belief Bias? Check out the site yourbias.is.
Shout out to FBL poll contributor and fan James from Cincinnati, OH.
Brian Durkin is on Twitter and Instagram.
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