Brian Durkin

Brian Durkin is the founder of Full Belly Laughs. This site is his vision and an amalgam of his favorite things: food and games. Enjoy all of the content authored by him. It ranges from podcasts, videos, inforgraphics, and blog posts.

National Lager Day

Dec 10, 2020

Lager is for the boys (and girls!). It's a drink you chug after you bang the glasses together. It's a drink you enjoy with the squad. But don't you dare think for a second that baes will want in on the lager situation.

National Pastry Day

Dec 9, 2020

You love to eat pastries. If you don't love to eat pastries, we might have to put you in front of a congressional hearing. Not liking pastries sounds like something a communist would do. LOL JK. Naw, everybody loves pastries.

Press Donuts to Learn More

Dec 8, 2020

Winchell's Donut House is an icon. With over 170 units across the Western United States, many Americans chomp down on their delicious offerings. Comedian Brian Durkin takes a gander at their website, to learn more. Comedy ensues.

National Brownie Day

Dec 8, 2020

Brownies are a fantastic treat. Warm, chewy, sugary, chocolatey, and other "e" sounding adjectives. It's quite the taste experience. Then you got the minor leagues of girl scouts trying to coop the brand. We don't like it.

National Cotton Candy Day

Dec 7, 2020

It's filled with sugar and air. Could you ask for a better food? Cotton candy literally provides you with the two things you need to stay alive: oxygen and sugar. But don't touch it with your bare hands. That's very gross.

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