Bakers Get Busy
Plumbers lay pipe, and bakers squeeze pipe. A lot of folks think bakers just work 3rd shift in the shadows, living a life dedicated to making sweet treats for suits. That's not the case. Bakers can freak just like anyone else. The code is simple: it's about squeezing out that thick cream from the pipe bag. It's about handling business with your hands. It's about going to the love shack and back, except you get a cookie for a snack. Hey-yo! That rhyme with so ill*.
* Editor's Note: The rhyme was not ill.
Lemon Cupcakes Are Friendly
Playful and cute, the lemon cupcake embodies everything we want in a main character. Bashful yet bold. Sophisticated, yet daring. Would you like me to list more over-the-top adjectives for a cupcake? I could keep going, but then I would need to change my name to J. Peterman. And I'm not about to do that. Lots of legal paperwork. Very unbecoming for someone that wants to harness the energy of a lemon cupcake. Care Bears don't deal with legal stuff, and neither do lemon cupcakes. That's where I want to be.
Happy National Lemon Cupcake Day Video
In this video, we are celebrating Lemon Cupcake Day. This comedy video will be short, sweet, and most of all silly. It will celebrate all things Lemon Cupcake in a totally humorous way. Enjoy!
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Infographics Coming Soon
Infographics can be very informative, and also hilarious. We plan to release new ones every day for a year, but just not yet. Learn why and how you can make sure to get them when they come out.
Categories: Food Holidays