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National Oysters on the Half Shell Day

Mar 31, 2020

This sea creature is one of the most powerful beings on the planet. It's basically a turtle. They both were born in ooze under New York City and fight crime, so it is easy to mix up the two. Discover their other similarities.

National Milky Way Day

Mar 12, 2020

Forget tasting the rainbow when you can taste the galaxy. Milky Way candy bars let you sink your teeth into the magic that is outer space, hence why this treat is best served cold. Also that's why it has a vast and empty flavor.

National Sourdough Bread Day

Apr 1, 2020

Are you interested in getting a taste of the greatest bread known to man? Look no further, because sourdough is what you seek. It comes to us from a strange organism known as a culture. Many describe it as the land octopus. Learn why.

National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day

Apr 2, 2020

Moms make these sandwiches for kids. Baristas make them for taller children. It's PB&J sandwiches. Honestly one of the most human foods on the planet. You take something ugly like a berry, smash it, and now it's beautiful.

National Chocolate Mousse Day

Apr 3, 2020

Are you going to style your hairdo with this dessert? When you want a slice, do you go big game hunting for chocolate mousse? Lulz abound on this glorious celebration of chocolate mouse and dad jokes. We just can't help ourselves.

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