Happy National Shortbread Day
Shortbread is a fantastic treat that many people enjoy devouring on the daily. Today is a special day, because this is the day that we honor the triumphant story of Shortbread. It was not always cherished as it can be in some regions of Earth. Quite the contrary in fact; Shortbread used to be whipped, and made to work crazy long hours in factories. It was horrible conditions bestowed upon this bread of tiny statue. Eventually though the bite-sized bread stood tall against the forces of oppression, and today marks its freedom from factory work.
Shortbread: A Mystery, A Journey
No one really knows how this bread came to be. Some faux health scientists believe humans bake it in their ovens, but that is utter nonsense. The Egyptians depicted the bread in hieroglyphics, and some believe that Shortbread built the pyramids. Unfortunately during the years of tireless factory work, Shortbread ate all their ancient writings to survive; therefore, we don't have any more documentation of their history. Oral traditions have been passed down, but humans are not ready to believe Shortbreads straight up. It's only in the last hundred or so years that they escaped factory work.
The best way to celebrate Shortbread on this magnificent holiday is to take some time to mediate. Think about what it took for them to gain their freedom. Can you imagine the will it took these loaves to escape their cruel lives and endings. After your deep mediation, follow it up with eating a bunch of Shortbread.
Happy National Shortbread Day Video
In this video, we are celebrating Shortbread Day. This comedy video will be short, sweet, and most of all silly. It will celebrate all things Shortbread in a totally humorous way. Enjoy!
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Categories: Food Holidays