Brian Ends The Full Belly Laughs Podcast
It's been a sweet ride. Five years of podcasting. There were some good episodes, and some bad episodes. Listen to Brian go down memory lane for a hot minute, then spend the bulk of the finale talking about the series end. He explains why it's time to end this podcast, and why he's no longer interested in podcasting. The show concludes with a round of special shout outs.
Thank You!
A lot of amazing people and places made the Full Belly Laughs Podcast possible, and also just made Brian Durkin a better comedian and person.
Thank You, Creators
Rob Zawatski, Dena Miranda, and Steve from Bridgeset Sound really helped shape the show you heard every week. Steve helped equip Brian with his current podcast gear, to make the show sound great. Dena Miranda laid down the vocals for the opening theme, and Rob helped produce and record that theme. Rob also encouraged Brian to check out podcasting, and without that nudge, none of this stuff would have happened. Thank you to Steve, Dena, and Rob.
Thank You, Guests
So many guests over the years made the Full Belly Laughs Podcast something special, but a few people really made the show awesome. Thank you to Megan Goetz, Ben Farrell, Joe Messina, Max Barth, Christian Mangual, and Greg Trout for their contributions to the podcast. These reoccurring guests helped shape the tone of the show, and these people really helped out Brian when another guest would cancel. They were always excited to do the podcast, and Brian is so grateful for their talent and time. Thank you to Meg, Ben, Joe, Max, Christian, and Greg.
Thank You, Entities
There are two venues/events that really allowed the FBL Podcast and Brian to grow. Than you to the Philly Improv Theater and the Philadelphia Podcast Festival. Without the experience of performing live at these theaters and events, the show would not be as good; Brian also grew faster as a comedian and performer thanks to these opportunities. Thank you, PHIT and PPF.
Thank You, Friends and Fam
There are a few people close to Brian that really supported the podcast. Special thank you to Alex Colic and Richard Chin for being supportive friends. They helped build up engagement on social media, attended live shows, and even guested on the podcast. Special thank you to Hugh Durkin (Brian's dad). He's been a big supporter of Brian's creative endeavors, and it means a lot. Finally, the closing thank you goes to Lauren Daniels. She is the #1 fan of Full Belly Laughs, inspiring Brian to always make the show entertaining. She has also encouraged Brian on his development, and she continues to be a beacon of light for his spiritual and personal growth. Thank you Alex and Rich. Thank you, Dad. Thank you, Lauren.
Thank You, Fans
It means so much that you took the time to check out and listen to the Full Belly Laughs Podcast. Hopefully you will enjoy the YouTube videos and the live stream on Twitch. Brian looks forward to seeing you in the comments and live chat.
Podcast Show Notes: Links and References
Brian Durkin is on Twitter and Instagram.
Full Belly Laughs is on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.
Merch available at gachiGASM.com.
Watch the podcast live on Twitch.
Support the podcast with a one-time or recurring donation.
Categories: Full Belly Laughs Podcast