Raspberries Are Sexy
First of all, they're ribbed for her pleasure. That's a clear indicator that these berries are DTF. The real question: is you heart ready to accept sweaty sexy from a bomb-booty berry? It's an easy question to answer; if you like sex, you'll say yes. If you don't snap off a yes immediately, it might be time for therapy or something. If you don't know about sex, then give that a Google first.
Strawberries Butting In
Strawberries think they are the GOAT when it comes to red berries that are ribbed for her pleasure. Strawberries get a ton of love, so no need to give them undying support. Raspberries need your votes. Right now it's losing in a poll that's not real. Strawberries would be winning, and Nate Silver would give some nerd reasons why. But what really matters is the election. Raspberries need a majority vote. Will you be there? No, because it's not real. If this was a text, this is where I would place emojis.
Happy National Raspberries and Cream Day Video
In this video, we are celebrating Raspberries and Cream Day. This comedy video will be short, sweet, and most of all silly. It will celebrate all things Raspberries and Cream in a totally humorous way. Enjoy!
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Infographics Coming Soon
Infographics can be very informative, and also hilarious. We plan to release new ones every day for a year, but just not yet. Learn why and how you can make sure to get them when they come out.
Categories: Food Holidays