The Link Between Peanut Butter and Domestic Abuse
The facts are in; one in five men hit their wife in order to obtain peanut butter faster. That can include making sure she remembers to buy it at the grocery store, or just knocking her down on his way to a jar of Jiffy. It's no surprise that they hurt their spouses for peanut butter, considering men are dogs.
Citing Our Sources
These facts were provided by the COC (Council of Clickbaters). They advised us to report these figures to help drive traffic to this website. Did it work? Well you are reading this now, and if you are still reading that means we captured you with our charm! That's not easy to do. Most of the clientele from the COC don't really care if the prose of their articles make sense. A lesser publication would have really played up the woke angle about George Washington Carver inventing peanut butter. Most politics equals more rabble rousing, which equals more clicks. It's simple attention economics.
Full Belly Funding
I guess where Full Belly Laughs fails miserably is we don't put ads on our site. Ever. Which is a bit silly, because it's not free to run this site. Lucky for us there are comedy nerds, and some of them send us loot. Full Belly Laughs is ad free because it is completely fan funded through donations.
Peanut Butter Is The Best Food
Real talk, peanut butter is one hell of a food. The fact that a black man invented it is pretty awesome. Peanut butter is also an affordable way to have a simple and delicious meal (example: PB&J). It's not always the most glamorous food, but some chefs have kicked it up a notch with peanut (butter) sauces. Peanut butter is also a game changer in the smoothie and dessert categories. There's so many ways to celebrate this food, and most of them aren't even that bad for you. Tell PB you love what it's doing but consuming the hell out of it today.
Happy National Peanut Butter Day Video
In this video, we are celebrating Peanut Butter Day. This comedy video will be short, sweet, and most of all silly. It will celebrate all things Peanut Butter in a totally humorous way. Enjoy!
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Infographics Coming Soon
Infographics can be very informative, and also hilarious. We plan to release new ones every day for a year, but just not yet. Learn why and how you can make sure to get them when they come out.
Categories: Food Holidays