Double Stuffed Oreos Should Be the Standard Filling Amount
Have you had a regular stuffed oreo recently? They are disgusting. Regular Oreos taste like two dusty crackers taped together with drool. Now when you double the filling inside of an Oreo, you have one of the greatest treats of all time. No one can deny the raw power of Double Stuffed Oreos. Breaking off one of the delicious cookies halves leaves you with filling can see and lick. That's the key to a great cookie filling; our eyes need to confirm its existence in the physical plane. Sure in the metaphysical world, a regular Oreo honors the form of an Oreo. But even Plato would spit that crap out and demand more filling. Triple Stuffed Oreos should be called More Filling Oreos, and Double Stuffed Oreos should be called Oreos. It's just as right as rain.
Sign our Petition to Change The Name of Double Stuffed Oreos to Better Oreos
It's too difficult to eradicate Regular Oreos from the shelves. There are always going to be people that choose to live impoverished lives, and purchase these wasteland crackers. What we can do is change the name of the thing we love to something that suits how we feel about it, thus Double Stuffed Oreos become Better Oreos. This way we don't feel fat or sad for eating something that has double the filling. Now we're eating something that's just "better". That's the magic of language and marketing; you can just feel better about literally the same thing if you use different words. As for the petition, we didn't actually start one. If you are still reading, thank you. Most people never make it this far on an article on the internet. Most fools will have shared this on social media without ever clicking. That's why we didn't bother adding a petition, because it doesn't matter. Also not adding an actual petition would make this post more in line with how all calls to action for social change are empty and result in nothing. At least Oreos come double stuffed though.
Happy National Oreo Day Video
In this video, we are celebrating Oreo Day. This comedy video will be short, sweet, and most of all silly. It will celebrate all things Oreo in a totally humorous way. Enjoy!
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Infographics Coming Soon
Infographics can be very informative, and also hilarious. We plan to release new ones every day for a year, but just not yet. Learn why and how you can make sure to get them when they come out.
Categories: Food Holidays