Drinking Wine Is The Perfect Adult Activity
It has the nostalgia of juice from your childhood, but the kick like how reality has been treating you. Plus if you drink enough wine, you can start to manage some of your trauma (but only for a little while). What wine does best is score some of our adult life moments better than any other beverage. For example, you can't tell your sexual partner about how you hate your coworkers without some happy hour merlot. And let's face it, your escort deserves a glass of bordeaux after servicing you for so many years. Pounding a full bottle of wine is also perfect for many occasions. The classics include remembering your crappy ex, and swallowing in a pool of self pity.
Nerd Rage Connection with Drinking Wine
The International Data Information Of Texas (IDIOT) did a study about nerds that play a bunch of video games and drinking wine. It turns out there is no correlation. Those tools love beer. The types of nerds that love drinking wine are board gamers. Not every type of board gamer enjoys wine. Only the ones that are stuck between actual adult life and childhood. These people have moved onto the beverage of suffering adults, but still want to roll dice. Their alcoholic beverage of choice is an over-sized kid's juice box, but the board game requires a college degree to play. This fascinating group of people will receive a careful eye from IDIOT, and we look forward to finding out what they have to say in the future.
Happy National “Drink Wine” Day Video
In this video, we are celebrating “Drink Wine” Day. This comedy video will be short, sweet, and most of all silly. It will celebrate all things “Drink Wine” in a totally humorous way. Enjoy!
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Infographics can be very informative, and also hilarious. We plan to release new ones every day for a year, but just not yet. Learn why and how you can make sure to get them when they come out.
Categories: Food Holidays