Brian Durkin

Brian Durkin is the founder of Full Belly Laughs. This site is his vision and an amalgam of his favorite things: food and games. Enjoy all of the content authored by him. It ranges from podcasts, videos, inforgraphics, and blog posts.

Tossing Salads

Nov 10, 2020

Which salad do you enjoy tossing around in your mouth? Which leaf is your tongue trying to tango with? We asked the people, and they fired back with their favorite salads. Comedian Brian Durkin responded and adds his thoughts.

National Vanilla Cupcake Day

Nov 10, 2020

Baking is weird. There's science involved with measuring and beakers and all sorts of stuff. It's truly magic how heat plus a box and substances can create something new. And vanilla cupcakes are no exception; they are amazing.

National Greek Yogurt Day

Nov 9, 2020

There are people that workout, trying to shed those pounds. The secret lies without Greek yogurt. They just need to harness the raw power of straining their body to depletion. Only then can they get that sick frame.

National Cappuccino Day

Nov 8, 2020

You ready to have someone murdered? Hell yeah. Then you are ready for one of the most powerful drinks on the planet: cappuccino. You must be wearing a suit when you sip it. Sitting outside in a Euro cafe is also key.

National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day

Nov 7, 2020

There will be times that you need to update your machine. Sometimes you don't want to restart your computer, but too bad; your computer is going to restart you. In times like these the perfect remedy is chocolate with almonds.

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