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National Vanilla Ice Cream Day

Jul 23, 2020

It's the OG ice cream that makes us scream. Rhymes flowing through my veins, because vanilla ice cream is taking the reigns. Hell yeah! Vanilla ice cream is the best. Other flavors are cool, but they don't pair with stuff like VIC.

National Tequila Day

Jul 24, 2020

We poppin' bottles. Look out. Oh snap, we're poppin' tequila. That's because we lost something deep to our heart, and this is the hard liquor for dealing with pain. No liquor will hit you harder, plus it's cheaper than therapy.

National Hot Fudge Sundae Day

Jul 25, 2020

Beta males just don't even know. Too intimidated by the raw power that hot fudge sundaes radiate. You actually need to be wearing sunscreen to consume one, if you're fair skinned. HFS takes no prisoners, because it doesn't have a jail.

National Coffee Milkshake Day

Jul 26, 2020

This is one of the greediest drinks you could ever have. A milkshake is already dairy juiced up with sugar, like a body builder cutting corners by sticking needles in his heinie. Add coffee to the mix and it's game over.

National Scotch Day

Jul 27, 2020

This hard liquor transforms people; makes them believe all kinds of silliness and lose touch on reality. If you're wearing a suit and drinking scotch, you feel amazing. It doesn't matter that you lost your job, you feel great.

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