Food Holidays

There's a new food holiday every day, and we have something to say about each of them.

Celebrate Caramel Day

Apr 05

"Nerds rule, and jocks drool", says every geek and freak who's nerdy as hell. And people would make fun of them, until they realized you need science to make caramel. It's a whole process that they can explain, and we'll let them.

Celebrate InterCarrot Day

Apr 04

They are crunchy. They are sweet. They are a vegetable? Yes, this is not an amazing candy; it's a a carrot. People love them. The people that don't love them think they are too crunchy and too sweet. Those people are called spouses.

Celebrate Chocolate Mousse Day

Apr 03

Are you going to style your hairdo with this dessert? When you want a slice, do you go big game hunting for chocolate mousse? Lulz abound on this glorious celebration of chocolate mouse and dad jokes. We just can't help ourselves.

Celebrate Peanut Butter and Jelly Day

Apr 02

Moms make these sandwiches for kids. Baristas make them for taller children. It's PB&J sandwiches. Honestly one of the most human foods on the planet. You take something ugly like a berry, smash it, and now it's beautiful.

Celebrate Sourdough Bread Day

Apr 01

Are you interested in getting a taste of the greatest bread known to man? Look no further, because sourdough is what you seek. It comes to us from a strange organism known as a culture. Many describe it as the land octopus. Learn why.

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