Carrots Are Too Crunchy And Annoyingly Sweet
That's what bae will tell you, if the Big Candy lobbyists had their way with your partner or spouse. The marketing campaign to turn super fans against carrots is one of the greatest accomplishments in Washington DC to date. There wasn't really any policy changes, but that's where shady folks like lobbyists live. Big Candy devised a full proof plan to get inside the mind of the carrot lover, and make them betray the lovely vegetable. The strategy involved layers of micro-influencers. At the end game, the influencer is mom ... I mean your girlfriend. How was your partner or spouse infected with the thought process that carrots are annoyingly sweet? YouTube vloggers. Big Candy paid vloggers hefty cash sums to start planting the seed that carrots were no good. The final push came when their key influencers did videos about how they no longer eat carrots. It was the final straw, and the house of cards for carrots crumbled.
But Seriously, You Can OD On Carrots
Carrots are a fantastic vegetable. It's got vitamins. It's a root vegetable. It's orange. These are all things that are true about carrots. Real talk though, they make mirepoix possible and carrots crush it in soup. Hummus is definitely better for you than ranch dressing, and carrots dip in that Arabic mayo so well.
All that said, you can still just go too deep with carrots. This is how the campaign against carrots started. People that ate too many carrots started to overdose. What does a carrot overdose look like? It's pretty graphic. The user goes about their life as normal, just no longer eat carrots. Like a child that now won't have marinara with their spaghetti, and insists on butter. A new vegetable takes the carrot's place in the adult's life, and that's that. These carrot abstainers are what gave credit to the Big Candy movement against carrots. Without them, the smear campaign would not be possible.
Happy International Carrot Day Video
In this video, we are celebrating International Carrot Day. This comedy video will be short, sweet, and most of all silly. It will celebrate all things International Carrot in a totally humorous way. Enjoy!
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Categories: Food Holidays