How Going to Comedy Open Mics Will Make You Love CityWides
Jan 22, 2017Straight white males (SWMs) dominate the Philadelphia comedy open mic scene. You may hate it, which is why open mics will teach you to love citywides.
The Worst Philly Takeout to Eat While Riding SEPTA
Jan 18, 2017Sometimes you need to eat while riding SEPTA. But not every amazing Philly restaurant has takeout that's bus conducive. Here's a list of places to avoid if you're going to eat while taking public transit.
Comics Discuss CAKE Comedy Tour
Jan 17, 2017Kaytlin Bailey stops by the podcast to tell us about the CAKE Comedy Tour. It's the latest venture with her Pink Comedy gals: Carrie Gravenson, Abbi Crutchfield, and Erin Judge This episode is full of games and laughs.
5 Board Games for Couples Who Make Whoopee to Game Soundtracks
Jan 13, 2017How to Start a Podcast If You Have an Opinion
Jan 13, 2017Regular social media statuses just don't cut it anymore. Time to start a podcast and broadcast your opinions to the masses.