Listen to Full Belly Laughs Episode 79
Use the audio player below to enjoy Full Belly Laughs Podcast Episode 79: 4th of July Food.
July 4th food is the best part. Sure the fireworks are nice. But we go to the party to eat. Well maybe drink, and then eat. Either way we're filling that tummy.Use the player above to listen to this episode about July 4th food. If you can't enjoy the panel of Philly comedians chatting about Independence Day eats, then jump down to our list of recommendations.
Guests on Episode 79
- Jess Snow
- Rick Helpa
- Chris McGee
Best July 4th Food
We polled our fans to see what they liked to eat on the Fourth of July. Here are the best answers:
Anything I don't have to cook... which is pretty much my favorite food on any day, but also the 4th of July, so it totally counts.- James from Cincinnati, OH
Cheese-filled sausages, ideally from the Reading Terminal sausage shops. They're great because the cheese on the inside gets good and melted without dripping everywhere. They're great on the grill, and you can throw em on a bun and eat 'em with one hand while you booze it up with the other.- Jeff from Cedar Park in Philadelphia, PA
The shortcake with blueberries and strawberries that looks like a flag. It's the only thing I never eat outside of that holiday and it's lovely.- Jess Snow from Point Breeze in South Philly
The German food know as Bratwurst! Put it in a potato roll with a touch of spicy brown mustard and you've got the most delicious, American picnic staple ever. However, I'd like to give a shout out to the strawberry/blueberry shortcake jawn cause it's delicious as well.- Alex from Magnolia, NJ
I love all the sides! Potato salad, grilled veggies, cole slaw?? They're tasty, make amazing leftovers, and compliment whatever main grub is going on. Did I mention sides are perfect for bringing as a guest to a BBQ?Ross from Temple in North Philly
My fav 4th food is an All American Hot Dog. Usually a Nathan's or Sabrett with the alternating zig zag of ketchup and yellow mustard. Those brands have that crisp snap because of the casing they use. Easy to cook and it's a great mobile food that you don't need a plate to eat.- Rich from Fishtown in Philadelphia, PA
In Summation
Here are the short and sweet answers to our poll:
I've been making pizza steak stuffed peppers on the grill the last couple of years. That and watermelon feta salad.- Jack from Port Richmond in Philadelphia, PA
Beer. Because Stone Cold said so- Victor from Levittown
Burnt hot dogs on potato rolls and Miller Lite because... 'Merica.Ashley from Graduate Hospital in South Philly
Ambrosia. Food of the gods.- Kevin from 19146, baby
Watermelon. And being alone. Is being alone a food?- Betty from Graduate Hospital in South Philly
Ribs, because it's not 4th of July without them- Malakiah from South West Philly
Our Recommendation
If you throw a party it's a good idea to stock the basics: chips, hot dogs, burgers, etc. Be sure to have vegetarian options. Bonus points if you can accommodate vegans. And if you go to the trouble, definitely advertise. Not only will you get likes on social media, you are actually informing your vegan guests they don't need to eat ahead of time.
Do you have any recommendations for great July 4th food? Hit us up on our contact form. We'd love to hear about your Independence Day feast. Awesome recommendations and stories will be read on the podcast.
Podcast Show Notes: Links and References
We list off the best things to eat at a Fourth of July Barbecue.
We chat about what makes for a great holiday barbecue, then take suggestions from the audeince on this topic. Listen now.
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