Listen to Full Belly Laughs Episode 198
Use the audio player below to enjoy Full Belly Laughs Podcast Episode 198: Group Meal Politics
Eating out with friends can be dope, but acquaintances are a different story. The group meal politics are in play for real in these scenarios, and you need to come prepared. No making a weird cocktail of leftover food scraps at this corporate lunch. It's time to learn how to behave when the meal doesn't cost a dime, but could cost you your job.
Full Belly Laughs Podcast Episode 198 Show Notes
Lauren and Brian start off the episode talking about donuts and ride shares. Brian tells all about a particular stinky driver. He got from point A to B fine, it was the BO that was the problem. From there Brian and Lauren chat about their respective blood work. After reviewing their documents and blood results, they dive into Brian's fancy lunch. He tried a new joint with a team of people he works with. The big wig was treating, and it got Brian thinking about the politics and play. Lauren chimes in with her strategies, and the two of them discuss how you should navigate the situation. After the discussion they do some trivia through an Alexa app.
Group Meal Politics
If your boss takes you out to eat, there are some politics at play. You can't be your butt-chugging self at the corporate meal. Save that for Sunday Funday. For now you need to represent a normal, functioning human being. This is something you've been practicing at for a while. You should be fine, considering this boss hired you for the job; however, your job is always available to be lost due to poor decisions.
Ideally you should order something that micks the boss, or whomever is treating to the meal. If they get the steak, then you can order the steak. If they get a salad, don't order the steak. Ordering something of way higher value on the menu is a bit of a faux pas; it looks like you are taking advantage of the free meal.
If you are the organizer of this semi-professional meal, make everyone feel welcomed. Your underlings will feel weird being out of the office with the team. Be the first person to suggest to the squad that appetizers, desserts, and or drinks are up for grabs. Good guests will probably be too meek to suggest these things first.
Podcast Show Notes: Links and References
When you're out to eat with the squad, group politics are in full effect. Here's how to navigate it.
A free company meal has hidden costs. Read about or listen to some sage, hilarious, and honest advice on how to share a meal with coworkers and boss.
Lauren Daniels is a content creator, yogi, graphic designer, vegan, and essential oil enthusiast. She believes there are a myriad of healthy, eco-friendly (and pocket friendly) swaps for your everyday life. Discover these alternatives by watching her videos on YouTube, or following her on Instagram and Pinterest.
Brian Durkin is on Twitter and Instagram.
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