Road Trip from Los Angeles to Phoenix
It's a straight shot down Route 10. The desert is filled with wide open spaces, and not many places to stop. Brian hit the road with his girlfriend. They were going to Phoenix to make some money and check out the city. Find out about their trip: the best places to eat, why selling cards is great, and other fun happenings along the way.
Finding Good Food to Eat in New Places
Whenever you go to a new town, or take a road trip in a new direction, you need to be prepared. You can't count on the usual rest stops or restaurants. Brian's pro tip is to pack like you can't stop. This meant that for his trip, they were going to bring a cooler. This ensured that Brian and his girlfriend could eat food they like, without worrying about stopping in random places.
As far as your final destination, do some research ahead of time. Our strategy is to create a Google Map with all the potential places you might want to go. This is important if someone has a dietary restriction. That way when it's time to eat you can quickly find vetted choices nearby. If you don't have dietary restriction, you can walk into whichever place is open. If you are a snobby foodie, you'll rely on applications and blogs to tell you want to do and how to feel.
Verdura: Plant-Based Eatery
Lauren and Brian's favorite place in Phoenix on this trip was Verdura. The flavors were amazing and the food was unique. They ordered goth waffles: bubble waffle, activated charcoal, berry compote, and a raspberry sorbet. Lauren can't have strawberries, and the chef actually checked in with us for some substitutes. It was very thoughtful, and a great example of their awesome service. The vibe in the restaurant is super chill and laid back. This is a must-stop spot in Phoenix, and we'll be going back when we are in town next.
Podcast Show Notes: Links and References
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