Listen to Full Belly Laughs Episode 32
Use the audio player below to enjoy Full Belly Laughs Podcast Episode 32: Comedians Discuss Day Jobs and Commutes.
Day Jobs are no fun. But something needs to pay the bills. After a typical boring weekday and dumb commute, these comics were ready to chat about their primary source of income.
Day Jobs are Butt
Comedians Erin Dohony, Jeremy Riley, and Jordan Hanchulak join host Brian Durkin for some commiserating. They talk about soul-sucking day jobs and how hard it can be to just park your car. These hangups didn't stop the gang from hanging a great time. Everyone admitted that the podcast was far and away the best part of their day.Brian and his guests enjoy some great snacks, but avoid the bananas. Considering half the table couldn't eat bananas due to allergies it was probably best. During their time together they played Guess Who throughout.
No Photos
Brian is terrible at remembering to take photos at live shows. Please tweet at Brian if you don't want him to forget. These people are funny and I'm sure you want to see their faces. But here are their names:
Erin Dohony
Jeremy Riley
Jordan Hanchulak
How to Buy Snacks For Your Guests
Did you invite people over but you can't offer them anything to nibble on? You're in luck, because we have the solution for you. First step is go to the supermarket. Next you will want to buy snacks. Finally take that stuff home and share it with the squad. It's just that easy. This can be done right before they arrive. Better yet you can outsource this task to your guests.
Upcoming Live Shows
This is when we'll be live this month:
Stay tuned for more live podcast action. We will always be at Philly Improv Theater on the first Thursday of each month (hint hint that's Sept 1st). Facebook event on its way.
Yo Follow Us, Brah.
Thanks again to everyone who attended the live performance. Thank you to our guests. See you next week with another live recording.
Podcast Show Notes: Links and References
The 9 to 5 grind is a grind thanks to sitting in rush hour traffic.
Recorded live from Plays & Players, this episode of Full Belly Laughs focuses on daily commutes and day jobs. Hear about it now.
Brian Durkin is on Twitter and Instagram.
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Categories: Full Belly Laughs Podcast