Listen to Full Belly Laughs Episode 35
Use the audio player below to enjoy Full Belly Laughs Podcast Episode 35: Comedians Discuss How to Avoid Bad Pronunciation.
Pronunciation is one of those things that we all internally believe "hey we got this," but sometimes we just don't got this.
Pronunciation and the Social Consequences
Podcasters Andrew and Tripp Laino, join comedian James Mascuilli and host Brian Durkin for a cozy lunch of earthy goodness. Over a bowl of chicken feta sausages with rice and mushrooms, the gang discusses the difficulty with pronunciation. It's one of those things that if you mess it up, people will make fun of you. Unfortunately the only way to know how to say something is hearing someone else say it correctly first, and we're not always that lucky.After a hearty lunch everyone played a round of Scattergories. On Full Belly Laughs we always add a twist to the game. Besides not receiving a point if you match someone's answer, we only awarded one point total each round. So after the answers were revealed, the boys argued over who deserved the point. Much like how we play Guess Who on the podcast, after you hear the great times on this episode you'll want to play Scattergories the same way.
Dissecting the 80s and NEWT
Andrew and Tripp host the amazing podcast Dissecting the 80s. James tells jokes, helps FBL with sound, and has his own podcast: NEWT. Check out these great shows. Thank you. Here's all the people's you heard on the show:
Andrew Laino
Tripp Laino
James Mascuilli
That Food We Ate
Brian used the oven to cook some sausages. He used a pot to cook some rice. Then finally a pan to make duxelles. It's a french word, so unless you're familiar with the language good luck with the pronunciation. In any case it's a mushroom mixture that includes garlic and shallots and herbs. It's quite tasty and easy to make. Just mince everything. Sweat the garlic and shallots before adding the mushrooms. Reduce over medium heat. You can also Google it for more instructions or have someone else make it for you.
Doing It Live
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Speaking of Social Media
Here's the rest of those links you should know about:
You also don't need iTunes to subscribe. The RSS link should work for any player. If it doesn't, please leave a comment below. We should change the name of the link, but eh.Thanks for listening and reading and doing your general stuff. See you next week with a special live episode of the show.
Podcast Show Notes: Links and References
Start saying words the right way with these helpful tips.
Comics share their pro tips on how to avoid bad pronunciation. Read the summary or listen to the episode, and unlock those tips.
Brian Durkin is on Twitter and Instagram.
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Categories: Full Belly Laughs Podcast