Listen to Full Belly Laughs Episode 65
Use the audio player below to enjoy Full Belly Laughs Podcast Episode 65: Board Game Night.
Everyone loves board game night. It's a great way for people to enjoy each other's company, and bankrupt their friends. Or dominate the entire planet. Whichever way you prefer to have a great time, by crushing your friends in fierce competition.If you believe the spirit of board game night should be more party and less utter defeat, then fear not. Party games allow members of your group to assert their social dominance. Watch as strong personalities determine the "best" answers in Cards Against Humanity.But board game night doesn't have to be like this.Even if you friends are ruthless or lame, you can have a great time playing games. Like any activity, it requires the right recipe to be successful.
Successful Board Game Night
Listen to the podcast episode above to hear the gang enjoy board game night. If you can't listen, follow these guidelines.
Be a Party Host
If you want your guests for board game night to enjoy themselves, treat it like hosting any other party. That doesn't mean there needs to be a keg. Beer pong is not what people want to do when they hear "board games". As you grow into adulthood your realize that the best parties are low key with solid food and drinks. So for game night you don't have to go all out. This isn't a wine and cheese tasting. But don't leave your guests hungry and thirsty.
Read the Room
Every group dynamic is going to be different. You can't expect people that want to play Apples to Apples to switch to Twilight Emporium. If you want to play a super long nerdy game, then find friends that also like playing that stuff. If you prefer to play party games, a specialty game shop isn't the best place to recruit players.Know your audience and pick the right line up of games. You can always hedge your bets and give the group a variety of games to choose from. They may surprise you. Next time might be the time they decide to try the complicated nerdy game.
Alternate Rules
Don't be afraid to mix things up. Every group will have game they play all the time. This will result in the game feeling dull and boring. Spice up and move away from the routine with alternate rules to your favorite games. House rules not only keep a game interesting, it gives the group something to build on. Now it becomes a group effort to perfect the game as a community.On the podcast we play Guess Who and Scattergories with some altered rules. Check out how we like to play them on our board game page. If you want to find new games to play, or new ways to play your favorite games, check out Board Game Geek.
Funny Voices from the Show
Here are the guys you heard on this episode of the podcast.
Sergio Santana
One of the best comedians and show runners in the Philadelphia area, Sergio Santana is a comedic powerhouse. Don't miss a beat with his latest performances by following him on Twitter.
Kevin Hufe
One of the funniest comedians in Delaware, Kevin Hufe is a must-see rising star. Don't think you can't see amazing live comedy in DE. Kevin's got you. Check him out on Twitter to stay connected to all his awesome shows.
Bryan Yanez
Return guest, Bryan Yanez kills it once again on the podcast. He's one of the masterminds behind Laughs on Philly. Stay tuned by following that Facebook page. As for Bryan, he is a mystery on social media.
What to know more about Philly comedy? Be sure to subscribe to our podcast. We feature the best comedians in town every Tuesday. Thank you as always for listening.
Podcast Show Notes: Links and References
We dedicate this episode of the podcast to just the game segments.
This special episode of the podcast is dedicated to board games. We play a bunch of different games with new rules. Listen now.
Brian Durkin is on Twitter and Instagram.
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Categories: Full Belly Laughs Podcast