Listen to Full Belly Laughs Episode 103
Use the audio player below to enjoy Full Belly Laughs Podcast Episode 103: What to Eat When You're Drunk.
We list off the best drunk eats when you're hankering to avoid a hang over. We serve up the best meals and snacks for each level of drunk. Pour yourself a drink and enjoy this new classic. If you can't listen to the episode, enjoy all the details in the show notes.
Best Drunk Eats
Anything you can snack on, but walk away from will serve you best. Fries are good. Wings are bad. You should also avoid cooking, but to each their own. Grease will also keep you alive, but don't consume too much. Overdo it on fats and you could be upchucking them back out.
Fan Recommendations
Fans of the podcast suggested their favorite things to eat when drunk. Here's the list of best items to eat while boozing:
- Pizza
- Fried Chicken
- Chinese Food
- Cheesesteaks
- Hoagies (submarine sandwiches)
- Halal
- Cool Ranch Doritos
- Tortilla chips
- Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches
- Lamb Tacos
- Breakfast at a 24 hour diner
- Taco Bell
- Waffles
- Mac and Cheese
- Hashbrowns
- Whatever you can balance on your lap while driving
Wait ... maybe not that last one. Definitely just call a Lyft. No need to drink and drive.
Full Belly Laughs Episode #103 Show Notes
Brian travels to record this episode on location at Mascuilli studios. For those not in the know, that means his lair of a bedroom. That's where Ryan Shaner and Brian Six record their podcast: Ya F#cked It. Their podcast is a never-ending poker game of debauchery stories. When one person tells an awful story, the other cohost manages to call their story with an equally insane event. There are times I listen and I just can't believe all this could happen to one person. Then somehow there are two people on the show, and they both of a never-ending bag of stories.Shaner and Six don't disappoint on this episode of the podcast. They break it down and go deep on the question. As bonafide degenerates, they gave an awesome answer based on each level of drunkness as the night goes on. Truly masters at the art of drinking hard and living to tell about it, they give insights that the basic alcoholic needs to know.
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Podcast Show Notes: Links and References
A list of the best food items to eat when you are tuned up.
The boys behind Ya F#cked It Podcast return to the home studio to lay down and episode about what you eat when you're drunk.
Brian Durkin is on Twitter and Instagram.
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