Listen to Full Belly Laughs Episode 120
Use the audio player below to enjoy Full Belly Laughs Podcast Episode 120: Sweet B-Ball Jargon.
We all want to be ballers, but you need to speak with the right basketball jargon in order to pull it off. You can't be walking around talking the talk if you don't even know how to talk. Guests Brian Isley and James Hancock school host Brian Durkin in the ins and outs on the hottest basketball terms. Listen to the conversation above or learn some of the sweet lingo in the show notes.
Full Belly Laughs Podcast Episode 120 Show Notes
Another banger of an episode. We kick things off right away with some sweet b-ball chats. Hancock and Isley start teasing each other about who's better at basketball. That leads into a fun educational session of explaining basketball jargon to host Brian Durkin. For the most part Durkin is pretty washed, so much so that he's washed and dried. The guests do their best to bring him up to speed, but it's going to be a long road for old Durk to learn some new tricks.
Basketball Jargon
Here are some sweet slang related to basketball. If you're cool you already know them and find this article corny as all hell. If this is usual you should probably not say these things. Just own your truth that balling with the freshest words just isn't in your wheelhouse.With that said it doesn't hurt to learn. Knowledge is power.
When you really beat someone bad. You're cooking them.
When someone misses a jump shot and it hits the rim.
When you take a shot but it misses nothing. Some people might also say "nothing but air".
Someone that doesn't know any hot basketball lingo.
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Podcast Show Notes: Links and References
We chat about basketball jargon and so much more.
Comedians nerd out about basketball and other fresh phrases they enjoy. Read about their favorites or listen to the full episode.
Brian Durkin is on Twitter and Instagram.
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