Listen to Full Belly Laughs Episode 44
Use the audio player below to enjoy Full Belly Laughs Podcast Episode 44: Comedians Discuss Psychedelics.
Why Take Psychedelics? Open your mind and expand your horizons, because today we're chatting about the benefits of psychedelics.
How Society Views Psychedelics
"Expand your mind, man," someone may say to you at a Grateful Dead concert. They also might have said that yesterday because they were in character for Halloween. Either way many people consider psychedelics as dangerous. Although other drugs like cannabis or alcohol are widely accepted, drugs like MDMA or LSD still worry people. Everyone wants to have a good time. But nobody wants to take a hit and forever think if they lay down they'll die, because after you take acid you now believe you're a glass of water.
Educate Yourself
All the claims in the above paragraph were written based on things I heard. I have no scientific proof. Luckily more research is being conducted in the area of hallucinogens, but since many of these drugs are Schedule 1, it's hard for scientists to research them. You may be asking, "Why would someone want to research something that's bad?" Well first and foremost, it would be nice to know why it's bad. That way we can prevent it from hurting people. But that's under the assumption it even hurts people to begin with. A lot of research concludes that psychedelics can provide health benefits, specifically when treating people with PTSD.Shane Mauss, one of the guests on today's show, has conducted several interviews with leaders in this field of research. We encourage you to check out those episodes below:
Why Take Psychedelics?
With the proper dosage and a safe setting to experience the drug, psychedelics can provide the participant with an awaking introspection. When people describe a "bad trip", it can mean that uncomfortable feelings bubbled up during a hallucinogenic experience. This may feel uncomfortable, but I'd be willing to wager that most therapists will agree that people need to feel their feelings. Psychedelics may be that tool you need to uncover something about yourself, forgive yourself for something in the past, or overcome a host of other issues that could be affecting you every day subconsciously.NOTE: We're not saying you need to or ought to take psychedelics. The only person that can decide if it's right for you is you. They can affect each person differently. Our point is to show that they aren't across the board bad for you, because science has proven the benefits of psychedelics for some people.
Take a Trip with this Gang
Here's all the funny people from today's episode.
Shane Mauss
A super funny comedian, he's currently on tour with his Good Trip show. It's one-third stand-up, storytelling, and Tedtalk about psychedelics. If you ever wanted to know the answer to "why take psychedelics?", he's the man with the knowledge.
Marissa Both
A hilarious Philly stand-up comedian, she's involved in a ton of awesome projects throughout the town. Make sure to check out her fun show Yard Sale.
James Mascuilli
This super funny dude is a regular fixture on Full Belly Laughs. If you go to a live show, you've seen or heard him on the podcast. Make sure to check out his project NEWT Podcast.
Pistachio Garlic Salmon
Today we enjoyed refreshing pistachio garlic salmon filets with sliced apples and a mirepoix kale medley. It was delicious. You can make this for yourself. The first step is to buy all the ingredients at Whole Foods, or some other high quality (i.e. high priced) grocer. Next you'll have to hope they have pistachio garlic salmon filets for sale. After that just saute some onions, carrots, celery, and kale together. Slice the apples and toss in lemon juice. Bake the salmon. Finally serve all them jawns on a plate. Cutlery optional, but encouraged.
Live Recordings
Did you enjoy the podcast? Join the fun at our next performance. It is at the Philly Improv Theater on Thursday November 3rd at 10:30 PM. We give away lots of cool prizes, so come on out.
Thank you as always for reading and listening. You could have done anything with your time, but you choose to spend it with us. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU. See you next time when food meets funny on Full Belly Laughs!
Podcast Show Notes: Links and References
The hilarious Shane Mauss drops in on the podcast for a special episode.
Shane Mauss drops by the home studio to riff with us, but also explains the benefits of psychodelics. Read or listen to it now.
Brian Durkin is on Twitter and Instagram.
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