You Can Now Order Pizza Bowls
That's right, folks. Forget the dough. Not like it's essential to the very essence of what makes something a pizza, right? If you think that's crazy, there are even more goofy stories in this episode. We kick things off with a fan question, then dive into the news. After that we discuss the food holiday for the day, tackle a trivia question, and then play truth or dare.
Why Discuss FN Meka?
When I scouring the internet for goofy stories, I want things that are inherently weird. For example, an AI Rapper receiving a record deal is unusual. But that alone is not enough to make jokes, and to warrant its inclusion in the show. Lucky for me, FN Meka was dropped less than a week from signing the deal because it's essentially a racist caricature of a black man. Also it's sad that this avatar has 10 million followers on TikTok, it's now a story that has plenty of meat to write jokes about, and is deserving of having someone poke fun at it.
My Process
After I have a selection of news stories that I like, I assemble them into a slideshow for the stream/video. Next up is writing jokes, which can take several hours. All the material in this podcast and video was performed for the first time for this show, so I have to spend a lot of time practicing and writing before recording. There are jokes that were performed in the live stream that don't make the final cut. Some are just not good. Others are funny, but cut for time. If you want experience the original performance, be sure to tune in live to the stream on Twitch.
FuBeLa Comedy Podcast Episode 001
Watch the video cutdown of the podcast here.
Podcast Show Notes: Links and References
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Watch me record the podcast live on Twitch.
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Categories: Full Belly Laughs Podcast