Cold Stone Creamery Website Review
On this episode of the podcast, host Brian Durkin reviews the Cold Stone Creamery website. It's got some classic old school design, ripe for quality roasts. Besides tearing their corporate site a new one, Brian does play a round of Funemployeed. If you like janky websites, you'll want to listen to this episode.
The Roast of Cold Stone Creamery's Web Presence
The shear volume of URLs on the homepage is incredible. Baskin Robbins doesn't even have as many flavors compared the choices presented to the user upon visiting Cold Stone Creamery's website. That's assuming they make it pass the shady SEO on the SERPS for CSC. Whoever did the Cold Stone Creamery marketing actually deployed some shady practices. At the time of this writing, www.coldstonecreamery.com has this meta title: "Birthday Cakes Cupcakes Bakery - Cold Stone Ice Cream". That's what the kids would call "sus". Savage keyword stuffing, and not even putting their proper business name in the title either. Quite shameful honestly. At least they redeem themselves with predictable corporate language and widgets on the site.
Episode 266: Cold Stone Creamery Loves URLs
This video comes from a live stream of the Full Belly Laughs Podcast on Twitch. It's the same as a the podcast, only you can enjoy neat visuals like Brian's face and the website he reviews.
Podcast Show Notes: Links and References
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Categories: Full Belly Laughs Podcast