Listen to Full Belly Laughs Episode 8
Use the audio player below to enjoy Full Belly Laughs Podcast Episode 8: Sweet Hot Wings: How to Balance a Spicy Sauce.
Hot wings are a bar classic. But why go out when you can make them at home? The secret to hot wings is creating a sauce that's both rich in sweetness and spice. This will complement the natural heat from the hot sauce. This way you won't need to go buy blue cheese and celery to balance the dish. You can still go buy those things, and eat them. But now you can skip that step.Side dishes for this episode were from a Blue Apron Recipe Card. If this recipe sounds great, try out Blue Apron for free.
Hot Wings for Every Palate
Michael Kelly, Amanda Taylor, and Alex Grubard chow down on hot wings accompanied by coleslaw and a sweet potato mash. The gang talks about their favorite meals to prepare in batches and the nature of eating spicy food. Curious much spice they like and what style of wings are best? Those are just some of the topics in today's episode. After they finish this summer meal, which can be eaten any day on the calendar, the gang enjoys a fun round of trivia.
Meet the Guests
Here's the rundown on the guests featured on this episode.
Michael Kelly
Best wishes to Michael Kelly, and we wish him a speedy recovery after his surgery. If you have the opportunity check out one of his shows before he goes under the knife. If you can't make it out, make sure to follow him on Twitter. He'll be tweeting all kinds of funny thoughts while laying in bed.
Amanda Taylor
A new comedy force in the Philly scene, Amanda is moving up the ranks fast. She won't be your friend though because she doesn't have Facebook. Follow her on Twitter if you want the skinny on her appearances, or just some funny jokes.
Alex Grubard
Alex is a veteran comedian. His credits include performances all around the country. His latest project with local comedy production group Good Good Comedy is Weeding Out the Stoned: a game show where the audience tries to figure out which performers are under the influence. Be aware of upcoming dates by following Alex on Twitter.
Eat the Food
Did that dish sound dee-lish? Below is an approximate recipe how to make that jawn.
Hot Wings with Coleslaw and Sweet Potato Mash
NOTE: The side dishes came from a Blue Apron. For those dishes please refer to their Recipe Card.Prep Time: Depends on how many wings you make (leave about 20 minutes)Tools: Sharp knife, sheet pan, wire rack, parchment paper, large pot, steamersCook Time: Approx 1 hour
- Family Pack of Wings
- Your Favorite Hot Sauce(s)
- Butter
- Optional: Minced Galric and Fresh Squeezed Lime Juice
Cooking Steps
- If the wings are not butchered already, then you'll need to cut them into the appropriate pieces. Remove the wing tips then separate the two pieces of the wing (this is where you need a knife).
- Line two steamers with the wings and place into a large pot with boiling water at the bottom. Make sure the water does not actually reach the wings. Cover and let them steam for about 10 minutes.
- Remove from the steaming vessel and place on a rack above a sheet pan covered in parchment paper. Bake in the oven at 425 for 20 minutes, then flip and finish in the oven for another 20 minutes.
- While the wings finish, mix your favorite hot sauce with some butter. I recommend a half a stick but a whole stick is great too. Depends on how spicy versus sweet you want the sauce. To cut the spicy with something other than fatty butter use lime juice.
- Toss the wings with the homemade sauce right after they finish baking.
Serve with paper towels, moist towelettes, and/or a bowl for the bones.Come back next week for another hilarious episode and bangin' recipe.
Podcast Show Notes: Links and References
Nothing pairs better with Quizzo then wings.
Learn about different types of wings you can make at home while enjoying the humorous stylings of comics. Listen now.
Brian Durkin is on Twitter and Instagram.
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Categories: Full Belly Laughs Podcast